这部电影, 《bet9平台游戏》(2023), 由克雷格·吉莱斯皮执导, 这是对2021年初发生的事件的戏剧化再现吗.
我所指的具体事件是发生在2021年1月的GameStop(游戏邦注:GME)空头挤压事件,该事件一直持续到同年6月底,导致该公司股价剧烈波动. 我们的团队在2021年2月发表了一篇文章,总结了这些事件 Our Thoughts on the GameStop Saga.
而电影的大部分内容都是对GME空头挤压的喜剧表现, the film’s main points are historically accurate. 这部电影 is based on the real-life story of amateur trader Keith Gill, 是谁在GameStop分享上投入全部,并通过他的YouTube频道说服成千上万的其他人也这么做, 咆哮的猫. 这部电影代表了卖空交易中的大牌玩家:梅尔文资本(Melvin Capital)的加布里埃尔•普洛特金(Gabriel Plotkin), Steve Cohen of Point72 (even Steve Cohen’s pet pig is represented), 以及城堡公司的肯·格里芬.
虽然故事的大部分内容都是正确的,但并非所有的事情都完全如所示. 例如, some of the people who followed Keith Gill’s trade, 比如角色珍妮, 只是参与GameStop狂热的人的代表吗. The movie seems to focus more on the idea of class warfare between retail traders and the Wall Street elite; retail traders being the “good guys” in this case, while the other side is being portrayed as the “bad guys.”
Possible Questions Leaving the Movie
I was able to convince my wife to come with me to see Dumb Money. While the movie is informative at times, 她留下了一些重要的问题,我们的读者可能也很好奇(2015年的大短片很好地提供了一些清晰的信息), 在我看来).
什么是看涨期权? 它是如何工作的??”
看涨期权是一种衍生品合约,赋予期权所有人权利(“期权”), 但不是义务, 在规定的时间内以规定的价格购买一定数量的标的证券. Often, the underlying for these options are stocks or equities. But technically, the underlying could be almost anything.
当标的价格高于期权合约的执行价格时,这些看涨期权就会增值. 为了保持简单, 如果你以100美元的执行价格购买XYZ股票的看涨期权,而该股票的交易价格为110美元, then the underlying value of the option is $10.
“How do people use gains from investments to buy more investments?”
There are two main ways investors are able to do this. 首先,投资者可以平仓他们的“第一笔”投资. After closing out this position (for example selling a stock you own), you can then use the proceeds to make another trade.
The second way would be to utilize leverage. 你可以用第一笔交易的证券作为抵押贷款,为第二笔交易提供资金. 这样做会带来额外的风险,但也有可能获得额外的回报.
整体, 这部电影很有趣。, 但我觉得这部快节奏的电影掩盖了我们可以从2021年的GameStop热潮中学到的宝贵经验:风险管理. Lots of money was made and lost by both sides of the GameStop trade. 有些人在股价上涨时卖出,而另一些人则一直持有,一路涨跌.
短的一面, 进行这种交易的主要风险是可能的损失是无限的,而潜在的收益是有限的. This short trade also commonly utilizes leverage1. 当使用杠杆时,一个重要的提醒是,杠杆可以放大向上的回报,但也可以放大向下的损失. So, while leverage is helpful in up-trending markets, it can be very hurtful in down-trending markets. These lessons on leverage apply in both long and short trades.
我从观看《bet9平台游戏》中得到的另一个重要的风险管理要点是考虑随着时间的推移而获得收益. 有许多交易者利用GameStop热潮一路走到了顶峰, didn’t sell and rode it all the way down, 抹去他们的潜在收益. Although there are 税 implications to taking gains, realizing gains can allow investors to rebalance portfolios, 获利了结, 管理风险. While maximum returns can be enticing, 随着时间的推移,管理风险和回报之间的权衡对于实现投资者的目标是不可或缺的.
1) A short sale is when you borrow the stock, 把它卖给市场, and the proceeds of those trades come back to the seller. In exchange for borrowing the stock, 卖空者必须按照约定的利率向出借股票的所有者购买股票. 卖空者必须支付利息,并在某个时间点将股票交还给所有者.
施耐德唐斯财富管理顾问有限公司(SDWMA)是一家在美国注册的投资顾问公司.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). SDWMA提供收费的投资管理bet9平台游戏和财务规划bet9平台游戏, along with fee-based retirement advisory and consulting services. Material discussed is meant for informational purposes only, and it is not to be construed as investment, 税务或法律建议. Please note that individual situations can vary. 因此, 当与个人专业意见相协调时,应依赖此信息. Registration with the SEC does not imply any level of skill or training.